On 4th February 2022, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Mr. Emmanuel Tutuba and H.E. Goto Shinichi, Ambassador of Japan to the United Republic of Tanzania co-signed, on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and, on behalf of the Government of Japan, the Exchange of Notes (E/N) for two (2) ODA loan projects and one (1) grant aid project as follows: (i) Improvement of Arusha-Holili Road Improvement Project (ODA loan - 24.310 billion Yen = 489 billion TZS); (ii) Improvement of Zanzibar Urban Water Distribution Facilities (ODA loan - 10.864 billion Yen = 218 billion TZS) and (iii) Rehabilitation of Kigoma Port (Grant Aid of 2.726 billion Yen = 55 billion TZS).
The co-signing was also done between Mr. Emmanuel Tutuba and the Chief Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Tanzania office, Mr. Yamamura Naofumi, as the executing agent of the three projects on behalf of Japan Government.
The signing of the three projects comes as a milestone in the quest for Tanzania’s development and it illustrates the realization of TICAD 7 agenda announced by Japan in Yokohama in August 2019. At best, it serves to reiterate Japan’s vision on international cooperation with Africa in general, and with Tanzania and other East African countries.
Japan pioneered international forum on Africa’s development in 1993 by establishing Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD). During TICAD 7 in Yokohama, three pillars were established, namely: (i) Accelerating economic transformation and improving business environment through innovation and private sector engagement; (ii) Strengthening peace and stability and (iii) Deepening sustainable and resilient society.
With respect to the above-mentioned pillars, Japan has announced its full commitment to contribute to the investment on quality infrastructure to enhance connectivity, achieving human security and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The three financial projects are intended to fulfill that pledge.
TICAD 8 is scheduled to take place in Tunisia later this year and is expected to take stock of Japan’s realization of her vision for Africa.